Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Two be or not Two be

It has been such a crazy year that I feel as if I have missed a lot of my little boy being One.
There were about 4 months out of that year that I was not allowed to hold him or carry him. 
That was rough!

I felt so disconnected with him and at times I felt emotionally disconnected from him.

Almost as if he wasn't really my son but yet a close relative. 
It would make me very sad and because of that I tried loving on him even more. 

Since he turned one, I was pregnant with our third child so my hormones were already going out of whack.

He is the coolest little guy I have ever met. 

He loves all cars & any ball!
He loves to wear any kind of hat....
or basically just anything on his head. 
OH! And....
He LOVES food!! 

I can't seem to get enough of him these days and I can't wait for another year of adventures, tears, and laughter. 
Happy 2nd Birthday Dublin Patrick

Sunday, November 16, 2014

To be "young" again

So as most of you know, my husband is a goofball and full of energy. 

A few weeks ago, I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready, the kids were on the couch sidetracked by a show and I wasn't too sure where my husband was.
Out of the corner of my eye I see something ZOOM down the stairs and then hear my husband cracking up.

We were in the middle of rearranging the kids bedrooms and swapping them out. So obviously the only way to move a crib mattress is to first ride it down the stairs.

He then proceeded to ask me if I've ever done that before and surprisingly I have not had the privilege of trying this. 
The thoughts going through my mind were, "I'm too old for this", "I'm going to fall down the stairs", "I'm going to flip over this mattress and not make it out alive"


If you have never tried this, then put it on your bucket list!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Adventures of Finley Joseph

I found out mid October 2013 that we are now expecting our 3rd little bundle! Were we trying? Not specifically. Were we super excited? OH YES!
I understand in some minds I am probably out of mine. I will have a 2 year old (for a short time), a 20 month old, and a newborn. CRAZY!!! 
But, we were ready!

During this pregnancy I was savoring every hiccup, kick, punch, roll, etc....because I felt like this might be my last pregnancy. 3 c-sections in 3 years is a lot and not a lot of time to heal between deliveries.  

Dev was in between jobs and the due to insurance, I was  not able to go to my Dr. who I saw for Ireland and Dublin. I didn't want to go to anyone else since I was used to them and they already had all of my records and history of pregnancies. 
Plus I loved them!

I was 17 weeks pregnant when I volunteered to go to the Pregnancy Recourse Center in Joliet to get an ultrasound so the students could practice. 
They told me later that I might want to go to my regular O.B. to get checked out because my placenta was low and sometimes that just needs to be monitored more.
I kept telling myself, "Oh it's no big deal, they're just training and I'm sure this is just new to them. I'll be fine"

Finally my husband got the insurance we needed to go to the Dr but by that time I was already 23 weeks pregnant and they refused to see me. I was devastated!! Not in the mindset of telling myself that God has a plan even though I am not liking it so far. I wanted what I wanted and could not understand why I was not getting that. "It's just not fair!!!"

I finally called a Dr who was willing to take me and who I trusted to deliver my baby. (Dr. Intili) 

They did another ultrasound when I was 25 weeks pregnant and still, my placenta was low. This is somewhat common in pregnancies but a lot of times the placenta will eventually move up where it needs to go. My placenta was low, down by my cervix, so if I was not having a c-section then the baby would not be able to get out because my placenta would be in the way. 

Another ultrasound was scheduled at 31 weeks but this time they sent me to a 3D ultrasound to get a better view of the placenta. 

This was the day that changed the mood for the rest of my pregnancy. They discovered that my placenta was still low but this time they saw that it is now attached to my uterus. I was told by the Dr. at the 3D ultrasound office that I need to LAY LOW and not do anything strenuous, even picking up my other 2 kids.
"WHAT?!?!? Now it's a big deal! Those students really did know what they were talking about."

After that visit, every Dr. visit after that got more and more serious. 

I saw Dr. Intili a few days later who then tells me that she is not going to be the one delivering my baby. Nor am I having this baby at St. Joe's (where my other 2 were born) or Silver Cross (The two most local hospitals). I am told that I have to have the baby at Rush Hospital in Chicago because they deal with high risk deliveries such as mine.

 I was told again, that I need to LAY LOW and do as little as possible until this baby is born. I was told that the high risk part of it all was me just bleeding too much and the Dr's not being able to get my placenta out without taking my uterus with it. So, I might need a hysterectomy if the placenta is attached and won't come lose. 

My visits with Dr. Intili stopped and so began my visits up in Chicago. I was 34 weeks and was told during my first visit that I have to have the baby at 36 weeks.
"OH MY!! That's only 2 weeks away!!"

Now the nerves kick in!!! 

I met with one of the O.B. Dr's, Dr Anaya,  to go over everything that was going on and that will be going on during/after surgery. She mentioned that this is the most prepared they have ever been in a situation like this. She said usually the woman comes in to the ER bleeding and they have to do an emergency c-section and THEN find out there is a placenta previa/accreta.
She also said that there are several hands in on this surgery.....she was not exaggerating! She said they all know me as the "Accreta Girl".
After meeting with her, I was able to meet with Dr Guirguis who deals with cancer surgeries and was going to be doing my hysterectomy.
 Dr. Guirguis informed me that just during the c-section I would lose 1 liter of blood and then I'll lose about 10 units during the hysterectomy. So they were prepared to do several blood transfusions on me during/after the surgery.
I was told that I would most likely wake up in ICU and to not be alarmed. It was only so I could get the right kind of care that I needed to recover well after.
I was also told it will take me several weeks to recover after I go home.
Both of these surgeons were very informative and super helpful in preparing me for this big, scary, and exciting day.

I was given another ultrasound to check the placenta again and this time they discovered that YES, it IS attached to my uterus but it's attached in the BACK! So it is much harder to get to without losing a lot of blood. During this same visit I was told that in order to get the placenta out and not "be a bloody mess" which could result in hemorrhage or even death was automatically doing a hysterectomy as soon as the baby is out. They will just take my uterus and tubes while they were in there. I was told it took 3 specialists to look over my ultrasound to verify that is was placenta accreta and attached in the back. 

During this ultrasound we asked the tech to get a Gender Shot since we never find out with any of our pregnancies, I wanted at least once to see it on an ultrasound. Since we don't find out we asked her to put it in an envelope and with self control and will power we will not open it until AFTER the baby was born. 
And Here it is!!

All I could think about was how kind of God! So kind of him to allow me to savor all the movements of this pregnancy along with everything that comes with it. The big belly! The cravings! The waddles! and yes, even the uncomfortable nights where I would toss and turn due to sore hips. When all along he knew that yes, this is my last pregnancy.

Well, it's about that time! Time for me to wake up and prepare to have this precious baby and trust God to give the Dr.s the wisdom they need to do this surgery well.

I was not nervous the entire time which was a HUGE answer to prayer. I thought for sure I would be a nervous wreck even on my drive up to the hospital. 
God was so kind through this entire situation. 
Don't let this face fool you, I seriously wasn't nervous.

Well....praise the Lord! After waking up in recovery I was told that I ONLY lost 1 liter of blood and did not need any blood transfusions. I did NOT have to go to the ICU after surgery, I was able to go to the postpartum floor.
Also, I was up walking around the very next morning and felt great by the time I left to go home, 4 days later! 
Dr Guirguis and Dr Anaya were SHOCKED at how awesome the surgery went and how well I was recovering. 

God is GOOD!
This was a few hours after my c-section/hysterectomy 5:00 P.M

This is the first time I met my son, Finley Joseph, at 3:30 A.M
8lbs 1oz, 18.5 in (born at 1:23 P.M)
This is a few hours later the day after my surgery...feeling pretty good

Finally able to have my baby boy out of NICU and in the room with me!

So thankful for God's sovereignty and grace through this. He was definitely seen through this situation and I pray he was seen by the 30 + people in the Operating Room.   

I could NOT have done this without the help, love, and compassion of this guy!

 Working 9 hours and getting 3 hours of sleep before heading up the hospital. Running back and forth, up and down, to inform family on any updates on me and the baby. So thankful for this guy right here! Even if I didn't always understand why HE was so tired and always sleeping while I was up all day and most of the night while in the hospital.
After reminding myself of all he's done and how much he's loved me through this, I quickly stopped caring and just let him sleep.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Time for a road trip!

Devan and I have not been anywhere since May 2011 and not by choice. We've had a few bumps in the road that haven't allowed us to go much of anywhere too far.

Well we finally are able to take a few days and head up to the Cabin!! 

Not only did the 4 of us go but we were able to go with really good friends of ours.
It was really cool being there in 60 degree weather and snow on the ground. Playing in the snow with no coats is pretty awesome and the kids loved it!

One of our favorite things to do was ride the 4 wheeler's and not just for the kids. 

We made our way to a beached area where the kids just LOVED to find rocks and throw them in to the water. Such a pretty view and so much fun watching the kids have a blast!

You can't go to a "cabin" without having a bonfire! 

And you can't have a bathtub full of jets along with some of your favorite friends 
and not just jump in!

OH and did I mention already that the 4 wheeler's were a 

 I can't explain to you just how much Ireland loves this little boy! They have become such good friends and I love watching them! I grew up with a little boy who was my best friend and watching them reminds me of my childhood and all the fun memories. 

Sadly, our friends had to leave exactly 24 hours later due to sickness.
As upset as we all were....and trust me, we were all very sad they had to leave; we still had 
a lot of fun with our little family and continuing our vacation full of adventures!


Kids didn't do so well around the bonfire so 
we just made s'mores on the stove. 
Still very yummy!

I can't explain how much I love this guy and his love for adventure 
instead of just sitting around not wanting to do anything. I love how he loves getting out there and exploring God's beautiful creations.