Friday, February 27, 2015

Hands On

After going to the museum, I figured it was time to get the kids more hands-on with stuff rather then 
having the t.v. on or playing on a phone.

So I ran to the store and got a few things to get them down and dirty. 
(Don't worry, We put down plastic wrap around the table)

 Even Finley got in to it!

Spontaneous Adventures

Dev and I wanted to get out of the house and get the kids active in something. 
The mall is usually our go-to place to walk and let the kids play but today, Devan had a better idea.

Museum of Science and Industry! 

Devan and I have not been here since we were little. I know the last time for me was when I was 6 or 7.
It has definitely changed since then and probably 10x's cooler then 25 years ago.
(wow....I don't like saying that out loud)

Saying, Ireland and Dublin loved it would be an understatement.

Saturday, February 21, 2015